Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Bad News Bears

Poor Eric.....I'm not in the best mood today and I'm feeling very torn about what to do in my career aspirations. Here are my considerations:
  • Masters in Public Health
  • Masters in Education
  • Going to nursing school
  • Going back to being a stay-at-home wife......Eric says NO!
  • ????????????
A year ago Monday was Match Day otherwise known as the longest wait possible to find out where or if you are matched to a dietetic internship. Last year several of us went to the bars before the midnight posting of matches.....we even made shirts.

Here were our "I'm so nervous to find out faces"

Yes a fun play on the Nutrition Care Process (only RDs will find this funny) The front of our shirts said I "heart" Dietetics....but rather than using a heart we used a strawberry....I know I know we are corny but we love our fruit!

My twin and I!! Melanie and I were both Kappas and basically had every class together in college....and almost once a week we ended up accidentally wearing the same shirt as each other. What can I say great minds think a like. While I headed off to Vanderbilt, Melanie got into her first choice as well at KU Med.

I was so thrilled to get into my first choice at Vanderbilt University Medical Center in Nashville, TN. The internship met and exceeded all of my expectations and I got to see so many things that I never would have been exposed to in another setting. I got to see rare diseases and had the opportunity to work with people from different backgrounds.

The match rate is less than 50% which means that more people are hoping to get into the profession of dietetics but there aren't enough internships out there to meet that demand. I spoke with one of my advisers from college today and he said that 4 of his students that he had no doubt would get an internship didn't match, which makes me feel incredibly blessed that I was matched and that I got my first choice.

All 16 of us near the end of our internship!

The 8 of us in my section

Nashville is a favorite place of mine and I would love to move back someday....of course it may also be partly that I miss my friends that are still living there. I'll continue to ask Eric if we can move back to the south :-)


  1. I know it seems not long ago but our match day was TWO years ago - wow!
    I blogged about the same thing yesterday. So glad we don't have to go through that again! At least when we apply for masters programs we won't be locked into a program, we can take whoever gives us the most money :)
    I saw a job listing yesterday for an associate nutrition professor at the university of nebraska-lincoln and thought of you. Ready to teach? haha. I'm about ready to start looking at MPH programs too - I had wanted to apply this fall and start in January, but I think most good programs require you to start in the fall, so I guess I'll have to suck it up and stay at the psych hospital another year. haha
    Enjoy the beautiful spring weather! :)

  2. Hey Jill! I totally think the Masters of Education and would be ideal if you could move to Kansas City and go to Rockhurst University. We could then be classmates :-) Oh how we could have fun confusing everyone as Jill Ladd and Jillian Ladd in class! hehehe..... You are such a fun, smart, talented young woman that I'm positive everything will work out for you. Always know you probably aren't alone in your thinking, someone is probably also thinking it or has before! I'm here if you ever need anything! ~Jillian
