Sunday, April 25, 2010


First of all, hope you all had a wonderful weekend....I know we did! Here is my suggestion of the day to all of you.....I know you're falling off your seats to get a teaspoon of my wisdom....haha!

If you need to get a project done around the house or just need an excuse to get some deeper than normal cleaning done.....have people over.

On Monday Eric and I decided that we wanted to have friends over from our small group on Saturday night....well this meant that we HAD (okay so we didn't HAVE to but I really WANTED to) get the office done. So Eric and I were BUSY BEES after work each night painting and doing touch ups. In all honesty we set up the office on Saturday morning/afternoon, no seriously we were picking up painting supplies, moving the plastic paint tarp to the basement the very day we were having people over. And to add to the excitement I had to a set-up for a patient after lunch which left Eric to his own devices for an hour or two.....Atleast we had cleaned the rest of the house the night before.

To bad we don't have before and after pics

Didn't Eric do a great job with his hanging projects! Yesterday afternoon before people came over he was just astonished with the space we had open in the office.....seriously it has been a mess since we moved in back in February.

I stopped at Hy-Vee on Saturday and found a great find....$1 bunches of flowers that were not seeing their best I grabbed the 2 best bunches if I do say so myself and added a little color to the house! You can't beat that price!

One of our friends from small group brought us some lilacs from her lilac pretty!

We ended up having 3 sets of couples come and we had fun grilling out, playing games and just hanging out. I hope that we can become closer as we get more settled her in Omaha.

Well Monday is quickly approaching! Hope you all have a wonderful day!! :-)


  1. I have lilacs on my table too!! The office looks great!!

  2. we had our small group tonight too! :) LOVE what you did with your pictures on the wall- we're yet to even order our pictures (not the album, just individuals) from our june 09 wedding. yikes. hope you have a great week!

  3. The office looks great! I cut lilacs and put them in the house, too. Great minds think alike!
