Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Feeling Grey....

No literally...we finally found a grey that we liked for our office. YEAH!!

It's the one on the last row 2nd from the left. I know...I know we only tried a "few" different colors right? Seriously I hope we don't have this many problems finding other colors for the house or we are going to be able to open our own Sherwin Williams Sample Paint Store.

So tonight after work I painted the largest wall and the wall that the door is attached to. Seriously people painting is HARD work, what an intense workout.

You may ask what was Eric doing while I was hard at work painting.....Finishing the grill that's what!!
Something that literally made my mood a little grey was my need to get a routine TB test for work. Well I wasn't worried going in.....I've had a few in my lifetime. However, throughout the day and then last night I started to get a "little" worried.

Yes that is where my TB test was administered...doesn't look so hot huh! Even Eric agrees the picture doesn't look as bad as it did last night! But good news its looking A LOT better today so hopefully tomorrow when I get it checked I'll pass with flying colors!

I was on the internet diagnosing myself as I was on the phone with my parents. I did learn that it has to be raised at the site and mine wasn't so much but I've never had such an adverse reaction to the test.

You can say I'm a little bit of a Hypochondriac....a little....

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