Monday, April 26, 2010

Two Weeks Notice

I've been dying to tell you all that I have been applying/interviewing for jobs however, didn't think that it would be the smartest decision to post it on the internet for my current job to find out. SO I can finally tell you all I gave my TWO WEEKS NOTICE to my job today. :-) My heart was racing and I was nervous/excited as I drove to the office this afternoon....after driving to Carroll, Nebraska.....2 hours away from Omaha (one way). But seriously this was my first job that I've actually had to quit. All of my other jobs ended at the end of the summer or I was graduating but this one not so much.

My last day will be Friday, May 7th. I will be taking the next week to transition and relax a bit. I'm very excited to be attending a conference on Healthy Aging, Evidence-Based Wellness and Treatment plans on May 13th which is perfect for my new job because........

On May 17th I will begin working at a Long Term Care Facility as their dietitian. I will be serving as the clinical dietitian as well as serving as the food service director. I'm excited that I will be working with older adults.....if you know me well you know that I have a secondary major in gerontology and have a special place in my heart for them. To top things off my boss was a K-State grad :-)

Just thought I'd share the good news with you all. Thanks for hanging in there with me as I know I was a little depressing at time when I wasn't so happy.


  1. How exciting Jill! I bet you'll enjoy not having to drive all over the state everyday, and not having to "sell" people on things.
    I've had more foodservice experience with this job than I would've preferred, but it's all useful information! Good luck with everything!

  2. Yea!!!!!!!!!! I am SO happy for you! That is great news!! Way to go!!!

  3. How exciting for you! In a few years you can plan my menus at a reduced family rate. Actually it wouldn't hurt to have you start now.

  4. Congratulations Jill! We know you have been waiting and waiting for this type of job. Best wishes. Alan & Christy

  5. Great idea Lisa!! We can all move in!!

  6. THANKS ALL! I might be able to make a "family deal" on this menu planning that you all speak of!

  7. So I'm waaaay behind and this is way overdue, BUT nevertheless...CONGRATULATIONS!!!! HOW exciting! Life is just SO much better when you have a job you love. I'm so thrilled for you. I too have a special place in my heart for the elderly. Can't wait to hear all about it once you start! :oD
