Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Warm Wishes

Well, as I am typing this I am in my warm apartment. Yes, I broke down and asked if we could turn on the heat. I was getting so cold during the day while Eric was at work that my feet were starting to go numb. AND yes mom and dad I was wearing socks. (I even had socks and my sock slippers on) I think Eric was willing to turn it on after I told him that since I was cold I decided to go to the mall to warm up! I think after seeing my shopping bags he decided making the apartment warm would be cheaper than me going to the mall every day :-) So Eric won the bet on when we would turn the heater on although he was 10 days off himself. This weekend I was telling Eric on our way home from church when our car said it was 35 out that 35 was about the coldest it got in Nashville last year. No joke! It's going to be a LONG COLD winter for me!

Okay I really did have a reason to go to the mall. I was looking for an interview outfit. I got a second interview with a company and didn't want to wear the same outfit that I did last time. I only had one suit so I decided to head to the mall to see what I could find. I was successful and everything I bought was on sale!!!

The interview was supposed to be yesterday afternoon but they called in the morning and informed me that the area manager couldn't make it so I was going to have a telephone interview with her. I asked when I might expect a call and they couldn't tell me therefore I am scared to leave my phone to take a shower, go workout, ect... However, the longer I wait the more frustrated I get with the situation so I'm not sitting on top of my phone like I did all of yesterday. I went to the gym without it and I'm planning to take as long of a shower as I want here in a minute.

My phone and I hanging out on the couch after a good workout...

They still wanted me to come into the offices to fill out some paperwork and do a pre-employment drug screening and TB test. I have to go back on Thursday to get the TB test read. I thought that everyone knew what a TB test was but when I told Eric that I had one he asked what it was. After explaining to him that they inject a solution right underneath your skin on your forearm to make a bubble he turned a little white. He informed me that smelly fish is the same for me as medical talk/seeing blood ect is for him. What are we going to do when we have kids??? The day before I went to Target and got the flu shot. That sucker hurt not when they gave it but afterward!! My mom says I have no pain tolerance... I feel like I have been a pin cushion the last couple of days.

Last night I got to watch THE BIGGEST LOSER! This is the greatest show ever and I can't wait for Tuesdays to roll around. Its such an inspirational show and even though I don't agree with how fast they get the weight off I think its amazing to see these people drop so much weight and change their lives. HOWEVER, I was not happy that they voted off Coach Mo rather than Tracy. I can't stand Tracy and want to see her GONE!!! I think they are going to regret keeping her around!! Okay there is my soapbox for the day!

I might post later today but right now the shower is calling my name! I made pumpkin chocolate chip bread last night to go with our soup for dinner and it was so GOOD!

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