Thursday, March 11, 2010

And I Thought marriage would fix my problem....

You know growing up with an 11 letter last name that has some silent E's in it can be challenging at times. I remember in Kindergarden we had to line up in order of shortest to longest last names and Jeremy Hildebrand and I sat there counting out our last names to see who's was longest....mine was by 1 letter.....

SO when Eric proposed and I knew I was going to have a 4-Letter last name I was pretty stoked to say the least (no offense mom and dad) Marrying Eric met all of my requirements in a new last name....

--shorter than Fritzemeier.......check
--not to far down in the alphabet.....check (why you may don't want your kids to be in the back of the pack when it comes to getting there name called and seating arrangements)

Back when I called pharmacies, doctors offices, to make appointments ect. I always would say Fritzemeier...and then automatically begin to spell it F-R-I-T (you get the picture)

What I didn't anticipate were the problems I would have with my new last name....but it never fails that atleast once a week someone asks me Glad, Laid....for goodness sakes. If I am picking up a catering order for work I have to make several attempts at placing/picking up my order. Especially Panera, I don't know why they struggle so much but they do. (BUT I love panera's food. I did a lunch with them today and it was YUMMY!)

Well better get to watching my CATS! EMAW!


  1. I hear ya! WHen someone says my last name I say Franke and automatically start spelling. I tried for a while to say "Franke, just -ke" but then they would get confused and end up mispelling my first name. People are just confused with simplicity!

  2. Ahhh!! I couldn't agree more! I too was thrilled to be moving on to what I thought was an easier last name than Unruh, which was almost always mispronounced! However, it happens just as much now!!! Grrr... Especially at the dr.'s office...Ms. long "e" sound at the end. Drives me nuts! You're not alone! :oD

  3. What wrong with a long last name.
