Sunday, March 21, 2010

It's was a GREAT weekend to be a WILDCAT!

Eric and I had a fun weekend. Friday night we just vegged on the couch and watched basketball. I think that having me fill out a bracket this year to compete in Eric's work competition was the best thing for our marriage and my sanity. I of course don't mind watching our KSU Wildcats but basketball ALL DAY Long can become a little much for me at times. BUT having a bracket I'm interested and invested in the games. (Oh and I happen to be beating Eric at the moment :-)

I started reading Dear John by Nicholas Sparks this weekend and have already finished it. It was such a quick read. I would recommend it to all you readers out there.

On Saturday morning I woke up around 8:30 on my own and decided it was an omen for me to go to a kick boxing class at the gym that started at 9:30. Oh my gosh.....I loved it. Today my body is not loving me and I'm in a significant amount of pain. But No Pain No Gain.....Right?

Eric and I invited a couple over to watch the game with us. Dana and I were in the same sorority at K-State and she is now working on her masters at UNL. Eric and her boyfriend Mark hit it off at a wedding we were all at in guessed it they bonded since they were all missing the K-State game by coming with us. There were a few of them just huddled over by one of their blackberries keeping up the score of the game. So Dana and I were more than happy to let the boys do their "sports" talk while we caught up. I had the makings for panini's but I'm so mad that I forgot to take a picture. Oh well, next time.

Today, Eric and I went to church and afterward headed to an outdoor mall so I could purchase some more workout shorts. You see the shorts I've been using are from high school are "starting" to get a "little" worn out. Plus I only have 2 pairs that I'm using. And Eric was okay with this purchase because if I hold onto these shorts for as long as I did my last pairs, the cost per wear will be GREAT!

One of the old pairs...if you look closely you'll see the beginnings of a few holes.

And my new ones!!! Aren't they cute. Eric was a great sport and helped me figure out which ones I should get.

1 comment:

  1. Those shorts have been through the wash a time or two. They served you well. Hope your back is better today!
