YES, I cut myself while making lunch for Eric and I. I was cutting red potatoes and then it happened I sliced my finger, perpendicular to my fingernail. Kinda in a weird place I know. Well it was bleeding pretty good and seemed to be fairly deep. So I call Eric to find out how far away he is from getting home......(side note) Eric was gone for the weekend, having a boys weekend in Manhattan celebrating Fake Patty's Day (no I didn't mention this earlier because I don't like to promote the back that I'll be home alone for the weekend :-)
Well he was about 20 minutes from getting home so I put some pressure on it and decided to finish up lunch. (I know...I know I'm a very dedicated wife right!)
Now you may ask..."a family tradition??" Well, yes considering both Brian and Jillian have been to urgent care this year for stitches after having a cutting accident in the kitchen.
Christy even gave me a red kitchen towel this Christmas for this very occasion; however, in the heat of the moment I forgot and used one of my other kitchen towels.....we will see if we can get the blood out.
Well I am hoping to avoid urgent care today but we will keep our eye on it and don't worry we will keep you updated on the situation as it unfolds. In the meantime...please I beg of you... be careful when using knives in the kitchen. It can be DANGEROUS!
eeek!!! Hope you don't need stitches, Jill! I have been just waiting for this to happen to me. I'm always so nervous when chopping and cutting!! Goodness. Though it certainly doesn't look good, I'm so glad it wasn't worse!! Please do keep us updated.